Sunday, October 30, 2011


Spiritual journeying. I've always loved that phrase, been a little obsessed about it. My ego would have you all believe that I am a person who embraces my spiritual callings, that I'm brave enough and faithful enough to view this world as an intense classroom. I SO WISH I was the type of person who would go on ten day silent retreats and get to know the inner workings of my own mind, a person who could meditate for hours on end, and find peace in the faith that God lives in me as me.

Well, I'm not, I'm learning. I'm not that person I so wish I could be. I am thinking all of these things right now because I am re-reading Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. I read it for the first time in 2007, when I was dealing with another difficult transition. I got laid off in early January of that year, made my ex responsible for my very happiness (read: acted like a complete lunatic for three months) and he cheated on me. Only in this transition, our not being together was never an option. I needed him in my life much like I imagined I needed things like oxygen and water. Co-dependence much? Absolutely, but it has been part of my journey. I happened across the book when I was aimlessly walking around Target one day and had nothing to do because all of my friends still had jobs. It sounded interesting, and I figured I was in the midst of my own little search for balance and happiness, so I picked it up, not realizing that this book would begin changing my life.

So now, in the midst of yet another transition (SERIOUSLY, do these things ever end? Or at least get easier?) I'm re-reading it. For a number of reasons, the biggest of which being that my therapist suggested it. Almost two years ago, I enrolled in a class called Spiritual Foundations of Counseling, where we discussed spirituality and how to incorporate our client's spiritual selves into the counseling environment. In this class, I first encountered an amazing little idea called transpersonal psychology. I asked my therapist if she knew anyone whom I could see for this type of work and because the Universe is faithful and things really DO seem to happen for a reason, she informed me that she specialized in this type of therapy. I guess you could say this particular journey started there. And I say journey here because I DO believe that I am on one, it's just not nearly as neat as I thought it would be, but we will get back to that later.

Right now I want to tell you what happened when I asked my therapist about transpersonal psychology and she informed me that this is the very work that made her want to be a therapist. When we started this work, she said the most curious thing, something I still don't completely believe and something I am just beginning to understand. My therapist told me, "Jasmine, I can promise you that you are strong enough to do this type of work, but I can't guarantee the same thing as your relationship." At the time, I brushed this comment aside. Of COURSE me and my ex would make it through this. We HAD to be together. I had left no room in my heart for any other option.

But oh, what a difference a year makes, yes?? Because almost exactly a year after that, I made the decision to leave my relationship. I guess that was the first taste that this work really does begin to change you, that little by little, bit by bit, your ego HAS to break down in order for transformation to happen. Not that I know anything about transformation as most days, I'm attempting to simply keep my head above water. But this year has taught me that there is something bigger than my ego. Every once in awhile I'm able to see and have faith in something bigger than my broken heart, than my feelings of abandonment and shame. I can see this because I have witnessed my ego loosen its grip on my relationship being the most important defining factor in my life. I can finally see a life and happiness outside of my ex, a life that does not include him. But here I am getting ahead of myself again.

The point of this whole story is that a couple of months after we began the transpersonal work, I referenced the book Eat Pray Love, which my therapist and I have talked often about. She told me it was an important book about transition, and I agreed. She asked me to tell her where I thought my life was, compared to Gilbert's book. I told her that maybe my life was currently in the "India" stage of Gilbert's story, the part of the book where Liz is in India, meditating for hours a day, finding her spiritual truths. (Before you laugh too hard at me here, keep in mind I was enrolled in the spirituality. My assignments called me to be all spiritual and stuff, and gave me false hope into my "deeper spiritual self.")

My therapist looked at me after I said that statement, with more kindness than I can convey in this blog, and said, "Oh, honey. You're still on the bathroom floor." And for those of you who have read Gilbert's book, you know this is the exact spot in which she began her journey. I was paying my dear therapist to tell me, "Honey you ain't seen NOTHING yet."

And boy was she right. Because something is telling me I'm STILL on the bathroom floor. 18 months of searching, which included taking space from friends, my parents, breaking up with my partner, changing jobs, changing living situations...twice, all of this and I am still at the beginning.

And this is why I began re-reading this book. Because I take comfort that Liz Gilbert's important memoir is the quintessential definition of a journey. That woman went through some SHIT. And maybe this is the perfect example of the saying, "Misery loves company," but it comforts me to know that book was finished nearly four years after she found herself sobbing hysterically on the floor of her bathroom, begging God to tell her what to do.

And when I think too hard or too long about this very overwhelming thought, the fact that I have just started this journey, when I catch myself in those moments where big 'ole scary FEAR is helping me write stories of the future that have not yet happened and making them scarier than the devil himself, it's enough to make me want to check out. I get substance abuse now, I get cutters and suicide attempts and the dear patients with whom I work. I GET IT. Because when fear shows up and telling me he's staying for a few days, this journey simply becomes too hard. It becomes too overwhelming to believe that I will carry this sadness, loneliness, fear, despair and self loathing like a back packer with no mountain to climb. In these moments of fear, this work is too hard, it's too much and I want to run back to that girl I was 18 months ago, perfectly content in a relationship where my needs weren't getting met, with parents I was too afraid to become independent of, with friendships that no longer served me.

And before you all think, "Well why the hell does this girl want to be a therapist??" Let me assure you that just as I get these overwhelming waves of ego-tantrums, telling me there is no more point in doing this work, I also get breathtaking moments of contentment, of trust that I am already who I want to be. I get brief glimpses of a me that is so full of self-love and faith that I beg God, "LET ME STAY HERE!! Let me continue to understand these truths." But just as water pours out of your fingers the moment you try to grip it, these moments disappear the moment I grasp, and hold on to them as the source of my happiness. When I began grasping for dear life for me to stay in this moment forever, FEAR returns and knocks me back on my ass.

And this is what I mean when I say that this journey is not nearly as neat, or as easy, as I initially believed. It's like one of those creepy spiral stair cases found in Dr. Seuss books. It turns over and over around itself until I get so lost in the labyrinth of change that I don't know which way is up. My transpersonal journey is difficult, much harder than I thought it would be. But I'm blessed by my brief moments of contentment, even when I can't access them for weeks at a time. Because they are reminders. That life is messy, that I'm a mess and that perfection is a figment of our imaginations. Or perhaps, the us we have yet to meet.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Hey, I'm Open!!

But not THAT open, I'm realizing. I was recently pursued by a man in an open relationship. And initially I was flattered. We did the whole flirting thing for a few weeks. He told my friends how much he liked me. He texted me every day, HE pursued ME. But he had this girlfriend. And not the normal, "this guy has a girlfriend" situation. No, he wasn't "over" his girlfriend. He wasn't some guy hesitant to leave a bad situation. He wasn't seeking me out for comfort (not that this is the type of thing that rocks my boat, but attention from an attractive, smart man IS flattering, relationship or no relationship...right??) No, he was openly and admittedly in love with this woman. But they had conflicting schedules and decided that it was ok that they see other people.

I know...if you're anything like me, you're wondering how this works. Or, you're saying "oh, he's just looking for sex." Whatever you're thinking that's ok. I know some of you would have run in the opposite direction and I respect that. But I considered it. And before you judge me for this, realize that I'm in the middle of a break up. I get lonely. I don't want nor am I ready for any attachment (and this was made PAINFULLY obvious when I broke things off with the rebound guy and got ambushed by feelings neither of us were ready for), so something casual seemed nice...a way to have male attention without any of that yucky emotional attachment (ok, ok, so this is a LITTLE idealistic) sounded nice. For about ten seconds, until one of my Blonde Besties essentially asked, "Are you FUCKING CRAZY?!" And did the job that only a close friend could do, forcing me examine why it is that I was thinking so little of myself that I was actually CONSIDERING getting involved with a guy who was basically offering me complete emotional unavailability, and not only that, but a second place spot in his heart.

Yes, I'm fucking crazy. Because I'm ADDICTED to unavailable men. In short, they hurt me soooo good and I simply can't get enough. And the reasons for this are far too sad, boring and cliche to get into now. Just know that this realization has been following me around all year long, kicking me in the face repeatedly. You'd think that after multiple black eyes, a bruised ego and a broken down spirit, I would just let go. Give up. Learn to be on my own.

But just as-- thankfully--I couldn't open myself to being second place, I'm not yet ready to open myself to up to the relationship I tried so desperately hard for when I was with my ex. I'm not ready to be that intimate with someone, but I'm also terrified of being alone, which makes it impossible for me to get truly intimate with the person I need to get to know...MYSELF. I'm in this disgusting limbo, middle ground where I'm the only person blocking my path. I want to be dating and even think it would be exciting to meet a man that inspires me. But thinking of what I feel I would have to give up for that type of relationship is enough to make me agoraphobic. I want to be strong enough to say "Yes, I'm single right now, and it's going to take someone pretty amazing to change that." But 8pm shows up every night and brings my two biggest adversaries: loneliness and self-loathing, and you know what I'm learning?? I'm not as open and healthy about dealing with them. I never just open myself to inviting them in and letting them question me. No, I hide from them. I hide in bars with my friends even when I don't want to be out. I hide in novels I'm not enjoying reading, bad tv, my ex, sleep and a host of things that are no longer serving me.

So no, I'm not as open as I thought. But I'm trying. I'm really trying.
